Ben Flanders
Machine Learning Engineer, Web Developer, Entrepreneur

Co-Founder of Artimatic Technologies, Inc.
Developed and trained the neural network that powers SkiNNer, an automated weight painting solution for Autodesk Maya.
Artimatic's innovative approach significantly reduces the time and effort required for weight painting. Ben also contributed to a published paper detailing the technical aspects of the project. This experience gave me the opportunity to apply my technical skills and creativity to solve complex problems and present my work to a broader audience.
Tensorflow && Keras
AWS (SageMaker, EC2, & S3)
Artimatic API

Co-Founder of Artimatic Technologies, Inc.
As lead developer at Artimatic, Ben designed and developed the API that serves as the backbone of all Artimatic product deliveries.
Ben leveraged his expertise in RESTful API design and database development to create a highly scalable and reliable infrastructure. Thanks to his contributions, Artimatic's products are known for their seamless integration and ease of use. In addition, Ben has continued to improve the API to ensure that it meets the evolving needs of Artimatic customers.
Django REST Framework
Artimatic Web App

Co-Founder of Artimatic Technologies, Inc.
Co-developed and continues to improve the Artimatic web app, a crucial component of Artimatic's suite of tools.
It serves as an interface for the API, facilitates payment processing through Stripe, and provides a streamlined installation process for skiNNer. Additionally, the app is used to interact with geNNie, an AI powered texture generator for animators and artists.
Typescript && Javascript
AWS (Amplify, S3, EC2, and more)
Freelance Projects
Freelance Software Developer
As a freelance developer, Ben undertakes diverse client projects. Check out Wayfinder Data Solutions, LLC for more information about these projects.
One of these projects involved the development of an internal construction project planner and data tracker. The project comprised real-time reporting, camera integrations, and SCRUM for project management.
Typescript && Javascript
AWS (S3, EC2, & Amplify)
MS AI Thesis: Automated Bird Audio Classification using Machine Learning
Student at UGA, Masters of Artificial Intelligence
While pursuing his Masters of Artificial Intelligence, Ben worked with the National Parks System to create a system for automated bird song classification.
In case you didn't know, Bird populations are a great indicator of habitat health.
Scipy (for Signal Processing)
NPS SECN Estuarine Water Quality Database & Data App
NPS Database Technician
Ben designed database schemas and implemented, then developed applications for scientists to interface with these databases.
Ben helped author standard operating procedures dictating operations while using the data-applications as well as scientist procedures relating to the proejct as a whole.
Visual Basic
NPS SECN Wildlife Database & Data App
NPS Database Technician
While pursuing his Masters of Artificial Intelligence, Ben worked with the US National Parks System to create datbase applications for the Wildlife and Water Quality SECN teams.
Ben designed database schemas and implemented, then developed applications for scientists to interface with these databases.
Visual Basic
Portfolio Website
Open-Source Developer
Want to learn how this site was made? Luckily for you, Ben made it completely open source.